The eighth installment of The Fast and The Furious franchise is still over 14 months from being released and already, Vin Diesel has announced the release date of Furious 9 and Furious 10.

In an Instagram post, the series’ lead actor posted an image reading ‘2 Decades, 10 Films, 1 Saga’ which says the ninth film will be released on April 19, 2019 before the 10th and final movie in the famed series will hit cinemas on April 2, 2021.

Films are very rarely announced this far in advance and even though the release of the 10th film is still over six years away, Diesel is obviously confident that fans will continue to come back for more as the franchise hits its 20th anniversary.

Diesel first announced in September last year that there would be a final Fast and Furious trilogy to complete the series.

Straight Outta Compton director F. Gary Gray will helm Fast 8 with a final decision on who will direct the last two films likely to come after the release of the eighth on April 14, 2017.

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